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Appliance Maintenance Tasks You Should Be Doing Regularly

Our household appliances do it all — from keeping our food cold to cleaning our clothes. And because most of our appliances are focused on cleaning, it’s easy to forget they need to be cleaned as well!

In fact, many of us are completely unaware they need regular maintenance and attention at all. It’s only when they break that we are thinking about the various parts that need to be cleaned, unclogged or examined. So don’t wait until that point to do some crucial preventative maintenance on your appliances!

Here is your comprehensive guide to regularly maintaining each of your major appliances, from the kitchen the laundry room, so you can maintain a healthier — and more efficient — home.


Refrigerator + Freezer

Appliance Maintenance Tasks You Should Be Doing Regularly

Your refrigerator is the steady, unsung hero of the kitchen — keeping your food cold 24/7. You will likely keep up with wiping it clean when gunk builds up, but there are some hidden areas that need to be addressed!

On a Regular Basis: If you have a water filter, check its status and replace it when needed in order to preserve water and ice quality.

Every 6 Months: Unplug your fridge and pull it from the wall to reach the condenser coils, which need to be cleaned twice a year. Vacuum them to thoroughly remove any dust, which can prevent the system from running efficiently. Here’s some more information about this important process!

Once a Year: If your freezer has ice built up more than a ¼ inch, it can spread over the temperature sensors or cover the air vents, which causes the freezer to work overtime — and the frost will then continue to build up! Defrost the freezer once a year — or as needed, if you notice significant buildup. Here’s how.


Oven + Stove

Appliance Maintenance Tasks You Should Be Doing Regularly

The stovetop and oven are where most of the grime collects in the kitchen, since we use them on a daily basis for so much of our cooking and baking. And it’s easy to let months go by without a proper cleaning, both inside and out.

On a Regular Basis: Wipe down the stovetop burners and grates on a regular basis to prevent grease buildup. Put any removable parts in the sink and let them soak in warm soapy water to make cleaning easier!

Every 6 Months: Twice a year, run a self-cleaning cycle in the oven. Each oven is different, so follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for best practices.

Once a Year: Inspect the oven seal for gaps, damage or significant wear, and replace them (as needed) in order to maintain proper temperature control. Also, remove grease buildup or debris from the oven vent to keep air flowing, and clean your oven range filter. Here are some more helpful tips for oven maintenance!



Appliance Maintenance Tasks You Should Be Doing Regularly

Dishwashers are one of the most heavily used appliances in our homes, and yet, we don’t always give them much attention when it comes to cleaning and maintenance. Believe it or not, they need to be cleaned too, as bacteria can build up, which makes its way to our dishes!

Every 2 Weeks: About twice a month, run an empty dishwasher with a cup of white vinegar, which will spread throughout the system, eliminating odors and mineral deposits.

Once a Month: Clean the filter and spray arm once a month to remove food buildup and bacteria — and ultimately prevent clogs. Here’s how! At this time, also inspect the seal, hinges and door gasket for signs of wear and tear.

Once a Year: Inspect the water inlet valve, examining it for signs of leaks or mineral deposits. If you discover anything, you may want to replace it.



Appliance Maintenance Tasks You Should Be Doing Regularly

Spills and splatters are inevitable in the microwave, so make sure you wipe it down regularly to keep it looking clean — and more importantly, free of bacteria!

On a Regular Basis: Wipe down the interior and exterior on a regular basis. Take the turntable out and give it a thorough cleaning in the sink with warm soapy water for a more in-depth clean!

Once a Month: For a more deep cleaning, place a microwave-safe bowl with water and lemon slices and heat it up for a few minutes. The condensation from the water will make it easier to wipe the interior down — and it will leave it smelling fresh!


Washing Machine

Appliance Maintenance Tasks You Should Be Doing Regularly

Our ultimate cleaning machines need to be cleaned every once in a while too! That’s right — believe it or not, washing machines can collect pet and human hair and other debris over time, often hiding in hard-to-see places.

On a Regular Basis: Make it a habit of wiping the drum and door gasket on a regular basis in order to prevent mold and mildew growth.

Once a Month: Run a washing machine cleaner through your washer every month or so, to rinse out soap residue and buildup. You can also use a DIY solution made of hot water and vinegar, but make sure your washing machine can handle that, as it can sometimes cause damage to rubber seals and hoses.

Once a Year: Keep an eye on hoses to make sure they are not leaking or damaged — which can come in the form of bulging, fraying or cracking. They need to be replaced about every 3-5 years, so it’s important to check on their status proactively.



Appliance Maintenance Tasks You Should Be Doing Regularly

Dryers need to be maintained on a regular basis in order to run efficiently — and safely, as they can be a major fire hazard if left unattended to.

Before Each Use: Each time you use your dryer, make sure you thoroughly clean out the lint trap first in order to prevent fire hazards!

On a Regular Basis: Hear any weird sounds while your dryer is running? Peek your head inside to check for any loose items, buttons or coins, which can cause damage to the drum.

Once a Year: Inspect and clean the dryer vent once a year to enhance airflow and keep it running efficiently. Here’s how!


Get Ahead of Any Issues

It’s wise to be proactive, rather than reactive, when it comes to maintaining our household appliances. But if you make a habit of incorporating these routine tasks throughout the year, you will help extend the life of your appliances and keep them running efficiently. As they say, a well-maintained home is a happy home!

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